Pennsylvania Drug Courts
Drug courts in Pennsylvania attempt to break the cycle of substance abuse, addiction and crime but helping offenders with comprehensive judicial supervision, mandatory drug testing, treatment and other incentives.
Court programs utilize a high level of supervision including a drug court team. The drug court team typically is made up of a judge, prosecutor, defense counsel, probations officers, treatment providers and court cordinators to ensure that the patient/offender has balance of authority and support throughout their recovery.
Drug court programs require frequent drug testing, court appearances, structured treatment and recovery services in order to rehabilitate the offender. If an offender does not comply with the drug programs members of the drug court team are able to take prompt action in reinstating criminal proceedings or imposing the appropriate sanctions.
You may be eligible for Pennsylvania Drug Courts
If you, or a loved one, have been convicted of a drug or alcohol related crime contact attorney Bill Thompson immediately to see if your case warrants a drug treatment program.